The Sterling Skull Studio
For the Tattoo Junky & Newbie
Titan Tattoos
Read “Titan Tattoos,” an educational and lifestyle blog dedicated to all things related to tattooing. This blog covers a wide range of topics, including tattoo styles, practices, aftercare, artist features, and updates from the Sterling Skull Studio in Grande Prairie, AB. It provides a personal experience for clients and aims to educate and inform readers about the tattoo industry.
Post-Tattoo Care
Love it? Take care of it.
Your care routine post-tattoo is important. In order to prevent infections, and give you the best tattoo result, please follow the instructions your tattooist gives you, closely.
Below you will find Amazon links to our product recommendations so we can spare you the hunt.
Get Involved
Fantasy Rod Hockey
Join Bryan at Wonderland Toy and Hobby in downtown Grande Prairie for a fun and free evening of custom Stiga rod hockey. Click the button below to find out when the next dates are and everything you need to know about fantasy rod hockey.

Get your SHOP Merch!
The Sterling skull studio has an amazing collection of talented and professional award winning tattooist. Find them at a convention or visit them at their Grande Prairie location.

Health and Safety Standards
The Sterling Skull Studio is Health Board Approved, works closely with Alberta Health Services, follows the Alberta Alliance for Safe Body Art Guidelines, and our employees are Certified in BBP, and cross contamination techniques.
Contact Information
Phone: 1-780-978-7074
Email: sterlingskullbooking@gmail.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/thesterlingskullstudio
The Sterling Skull Studio
10026B 100 Ave
Grande Prairie Alberta
Canada, T8V 0V3

Shop Rules
Tattoos – must be 18+ years
No alcohol should be consumed 24hrs prior to a tattoo appointment
Aggressive and/or abusive behaviour will not be tolerated
No children under 12
No pets
Tattoo Rates
Hourly Rates
Billing is based on your artists hourly rate, and includes a $30.00 bio-hazard fee, plus GST. We have a minimum charge of $150 (unless otherwise discussed with the artist during your consult).
Invoice breakdown:
(Number of hours worked X hourly rate) + 30.00 (bio-hazard) + 5% GST
Chris: $225/hr
Roxie $190/hr
Bryan $190/hr
Loren $160/hr
Flat-Rate Pieces (or rates-per-piece)
Flat-rates are not the norm and are at the discretion of the artist. They do no reflect standard tattoo rates.
*all rates subject to change without notice – BUT the rate you book at is the rate you’ll get charged until your piece is completed.
*All deposits are determined by the artwork and length of the appointment.
No Refunds or Exchanges
Tattoo Aftercare
Every Tattoo Artist has their own Aftercare Procedure – so what WE are outlining here is somewhat basic.
When in doubt, one should always consult with a PROFESSIONAL Tattooer. Preferably the one who did the piece.
The SSS Tattoo Aftercare is as follows:
1. Pear’s Transparent Soap is the brand we recommend for washing your tattoo. Your regular soap is fine too – so long as your tattoo doesn’t get irritated.
The most important thing is to keep your tattoo CLEAN and DRY. If you are going to be sweating, working, or dirty; wash it with clean hands ASAP afterwards. Pat it dry. NO rubbing. NO friction
2. For moisturizing we recommend any unscented hand lotion (i.e.: Lubriderm, Curel, etc.)
Moisturizing is good but needs to be done SPARINGLY. If your whole tattoo has been moisturized and your skin is dry enough that you can snap your fingers- that is perfect. (The tattoo should not be slimy or slippery after moisturizing.)
DO NOT moisturize immediately after showering or cleaning your tattoo. Ideally only moisturize it once or twice a day when it is dry.
3. No sun-tanning, swimming, hot-tubs, (or any kind of UV exposure or soaking in water) for 3 weeks after receiving your tattoo.
4. The healing stage:
You can expect the fresh tattoo to feel comparable to a ‘bruisy sunburn’ for up to a week. The tattoo can flake or scab which is fairly normal – the key when this happens is to cut back on moisturizing, the reason being that the flaky and/or scabby tissue needs to come off. When you moisturize that tissue, you prolong this stage of the process which increases your risk of infection. HOWEVER DO NOT PICK OR TRY TO PEEL THE SKIN OR SCAB. It will come off naturally.
Social Distancing Guidelines
In observance of Social Distancing Guidelines, here is what we request:
•DO NOT come if you have been traveling internationally, have been exposed to individuals who have been tested positive with Covid 19, or if you are feeling ill. If you have an appointment and call prior to your appointment time to inform us, you will not lose your deposit and we will gladly re-book you.
•Please call ahead if you don’t have an appointment, or want a walk in slot. This is to ensure the artist you want to talk to has scheduled time to see you.
•Masks are welcome but not required. If you would like your artist to wear one as well we are happy to do so.
We cannot wait to see everyone! Please keep our procedure in mind and come on in!
About Us
The Sterling Skull Studio
The SSS was Started in Grande Prairie Alberta by Tattoo Artist, and Polymath Chris Nikiforuk-Rhyason.
After over a decade of serving Thousands of tattoo-lovers from across the globe- Chris started The Sterling Skull Studio in early 2013 bringing together a vision of Premium Quality Artwork, Cleanliness, Customer Service and Comfort.
The Sterling Skull Studio is a medically sterile environment as per the guidelines put forth by the Alberta Health Services of Alberta. All of our equipment is single use, sterilized, and disposable.